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The World Needs You To Step Up and Make a Difference

Some people want to make the world a better place.Some are happy with the way things are. Which one are you? If you want to make the world a better place, then I wrote this for you. If you're happy with the way things are, better stop reading now.

Let me start with our struggle, our story.

Marriage Equality

I and my girlfriend have been living together for almost 5 years. Yes, we want to get married. I want to marry my girlfriend because: I want to be able to visit her when she's in the hospital. I want to be the one taking care of her when she's sick and if I'm sick I want her to be the one making decisions in behalf of me. I want to be legally recognized as her emergency contact information and I want her to be mine. I want to make sure that everything I have worked for goes rightfully to her. But since same sex marriage is not allowed here in the Philippines, our solution is to go to another country that allows same sex marriage. Logical solution right? Not anymore and not at all.

It's a band-aid solution and it's not a good one. It doesn't solve the inequality and injustice that couples like us and the rest of the LGBT community have to bear with every single day.

Standing Up and Challenging the Status Quo

So instead of running away and instead of accepting the status quo, I choose to stand up. I am saying enough is enough. I am stepping up to the plate and I am calling for marriage equality.

Let me be clear.

I am not asking any religion to allow "gay" people to be married in their church or mosque. I respect their beliefs on marriage.

Religious organizations have every right to enforce their beliefs to their FOLLOWERS. But to make their beliefs the law of the land is not right. What I am doing is asking the government to do what is right. To give us the same rights that every human being has. The right to love. The "Not Me, Not My Problem" Complex When my grandmother was still alive, she begged me to work in the government and make a difference. I, flat out said: "No, I don't want to be the sacrificial lamb. No thank you." I know my grandmother tried to hide her disappointment with my answer. She then said "If you keep running away then who is going to make our government better" Again my answer was a disappointing, "Not me." I realized now that I was wrong to say that. And I think this is a huge problem in our country and even in other nations.

Only a very few of us are stepping up to do something that matters. Something that would make a difference. Tweet this

We are all too caught up living our own lives and abiding by the rules and even though these rules don't make sense anymore, we just bear with them and let things be because we are too afraid to shake things up. Well, things are not fine the way they are. A lot of things need shaking up. The World Needs You

So who is going to start all the shaking?

Us. You and me. Yes, you. I am talking to YOU.

You, the one who is bothered by something in the status quo, you who are seeing something that isn't right.

It's time for you to stop waiting for someone else to change things and make things better, someone else to take responsibility.

Push aside your fear. Stand up and start spreading your message. There are other people out there who aren't happy with the way things are and are just yearning for someone to take the lead.

So take the lead. Stand up. Step up. And connect with these people. If you want to change the world, you need people with you, not all people.

Only some.

People who are passionate about making a difference, people who are itching to create a better society. They are the kind of people you need to connect with. I am not talking about waging war or taking up arms. I am talking about speaking out, spreading your ideas. Don't just whine and complain. Start sharing your solutions. Be bold enough and go out there. Yes you can make a difference. And together, we can create the future we want.

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