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Knock Out Hate: On Manny Pacquiao

It felt like a punch to the gut. When you called us the lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders and queers worse than animals. I used to cheer you on Manny Paquiao during your boxing matches. I recognized your greatness in your chosen sport. I respected you for your dedication and your perseverance. But saying that we, the LGBTQs are worse than animals, it knocked me out.


I get that you voiced out your opinion. I really understand that you’re against same-sex marriage. I don’t hate you for standing strong for what you believe in. I take it that we differ in opinion even though sadly your opinion is oppressive. I won’t take away your right even though you’re among those who have stolen ours. But was it really necessary to compare us to animals and with arrogance say that we, the LGBTQs are worse than animals?

Your words were meant to cut, injure, humiliate, cause us pain, make us feel small. All for the sake of what? Proving your brilliance? Or maybe was it to stroke your ego?

You claim to be a man of faith. Following the Christian values as Christ believers like you call it. But you’ve forgotten to be compassionate. The very thing that your faith preaches. Put yourself in our shoes. How do you think you’d feel if we called you or your children worse than animals? I ask that you go back to your Bible and learn what being compassionate is about. It’s not about pitying others. It’s putting someone else in the center of your world. It’s refusing to inflict to others the very thing that would cause your heart pain. Try practicing that.

I am trying my best to be compassionate towards you. I’m one of those you branded as being worse than animals. I am not going to call you names. Because I know for myself that it’s hurtful. I am not going to wish you ill. I can’t only be compassionate to those who hold the same views as mine. That’s an easy thing to do. It’s really much harder to show compassion to those who hold an opposing view and to people like you who have hurt people like me, people like you who oppress, people like you who are keen on taking away our birth rights. Yes, it’s difficult. But I’m choosing compassion. I’m choosing to knock out hate. Maybe, just maybe, you will choose to do the same.

P.S. As an animal lover, I am left wondering how you view animals. I thought you loved animals since you have a pet. You even have a social media account for your pet. But your comment that LGBTQs are worse than animals implies that you view animals in a negative light. What makes you say that humans are more superior, better, and smarter than them? They seem to be more compassionate towards each other. Homosexuality is naturally seen on them but we don’t witness them ostracizing those who practice it. They don’t do things that’ll lead to the demise of our planet. Now, what makes humans better than them?

Photo Credit: Suggest Keywords

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