On Dolce and Gabbana
You do have the right to your opinion. But what you must understand is that people are also free to express their agreement and disagreement with you.
Many are calling for a boycott on your products. You seem to think that this is not fair. But if you think about it, these people are simply just expressing their opinions too. As a brand, you are your values. And as a society, we shape our cultures with what we value.

Many people nowadays, are no longer just attracted to shiny, beautiful objects. They want substance, they want values that reflect their own. So if a number of people are starting to boycott your products, it is because they do not want to be associated with you, and your values. You voiced out your opinion and now people are speaking out theirs. It's a fair game.
But what's not fair is name calling and spewing hatred.
If you disagree with what Dolce and Gabbana said about "synthetic babies" and "the only family is the traditional family" comments, voice out your disagreement but with kindness and respect. Stop with the name calling and hatred spewing. It will divide us even further. Because if we keep on hating those who hold beliefs different from us, somewhere along the way, what we're fighting for- love and acceptance - will be lost.