If It Was That Easy Then It Should Have Been Done Already
"Oh! That's going to be difficult."
"It's going to take years, even decades perhaps."
"It's not going to happen in your lifetime."

These are the things we often hear whenever we share our idea of equality, especially marriage equality in the Philippines.
Yes, it is difficult. It's a huge task. It may take years or decades. And it may even happen long after our bodies have expired, decayed and fertilized the soil.
But these things do not deter us from seeking and pushing for the change we want to see in the world.
If it was that easy then it should have been done already.
Changes that have happened and are happening in any part of the world were sparked by someone.
Someone with an idea and dared to spread that small idea even if it wasn't the norm.
Even if it was challenging the status quo.
Even if there was no promise of a successful outcome.
Soon after this small idea spread from person to person, inspiring others to care enough to speak up, be counted and make a difference.
If you want to see a change in the world, you have to stop waiting for someone to do it for you.
Here's your chance to matter and make a difference.
Take it.
Yes, there would be resistance...a lot of resistance.
And there's a chance that you might not even see that change happening in your lifetime.
But doing something now is a much better option than just waiting, delaying, and doing nothing.