Love Can Never Be an Enemy
My heart is yours. And mine yours, you replied. From that day on we walked around town
Hand in hand each morning and night. Basking in the gaiety of our hearts

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Days turned to months and months to years You and I became us. Although there were days when dark grey skies hovered
Threatening the life we have built together
We welcomed the storm and danced in the rain. For it didn't matter who was right in an argument
What was important was that we hear each other out
It wasn't long before weary and wary eyes scrutinized. Whispers of disapproval came echoing in waves Building up a tempo, beating down on us. Mouths started lashing, uttering terrible things Hatred filled hearts Because a woman should only be with a man,
And a man with a woman.
It's how things should be. It's what's written in the old books, they reasoned. And it doesn't matter that you believe in another book
Or that you don't believe in any book Or even if the old books say "love your neighbors as you love yourself".
Who we are is unacceptable,
Our love, they said was unacceptable. Love was declared an enemy.
But how can love be an enemy? A brave soul spoke out. Soon another and another followed. And a small crowd started gathering Until it became a vast sea of men and women Standing up for love.
With mountains echoing the call Rivers and oceans bringing the message to different shores And winds singing a hopeful tune A cavalry was born.
A cavalry armed with nothing but love Fighting peacefully for acceptance and a better future.
Love is love, we declared. We carried on knocking on every door, every ear willing to listen. And we will march on Until hardened hearts have softened and minds have opened To the idea that love can never be an enemy