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10 Things The Rich Man's Daughter Taught Us

SO FAR and it's only been 5 episodes or a week. For those who are not in the Philippines (or in the Philippines but is not aware of this show), The Rich Man's Daughter is a "teleserye" or soap opera that tackles the love story of 2 women. Yes!! In this country, this is groundbreaking. The show represents the LGBT with such caution and care which is awesome! You can tell, I am a fan and I can rave on about this show endlessly. Alla and I have turned this into our mini-nightly-date.

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So, within just 5 episodes, I can't believe they were able to present these gems as they try to tackle and educate the Filipinos or even the world about LGBT issues:

1. Not all lesbians look like boys.

In a scene between Batchi and Althea, this was carefully inserted. Batchi referred to Althea's clothing as her way of hiding being a lesbian. Althea responded that she wasn't hiding. She's out, she loves dressing up aka Femme.

2. Transgenders are not doing "dress-up-as-the-opposite-sex", they identify themselves as either a boy or a girl.

Batchi's character is a transgender and he clarified this part when Althea referred to the way he dresses as trying to look like a boy. Batchi responded with, I'm not trying to look like a boy, I AM a boy.

3. This issue: Lesbians are awesome as long as they're hot and porn material.

Yes, David I am referring to you!!! He mentioned this while talking about Althea. Excuse me, lesbians do NOT exist to make men happy. Quite the opposite actually.

4. Never out someone! Ever.

No wonder Paul is pissed at you Jade. Anyway, coming out is someone's story, don't do it for them, they will come out when they're ready. Plus, you have no right.

5. Homophobia exists. It's painful, sad and destructive.

Enter Paul. (We love you Paul. Please try and finish your food.). It's quite absurd to treat someone differently as soon as you find out they're gay but this is common and most often it happens in your very home. Parents, please keep an open mind.

6. Loving someone of the same-sex is not shameful.

Some people still think so. I don't know why but they do. I hope we can change this. Loving someone is never a shame. Love Is Love

7. Sexuality is fluid.

Some know from an early age whether they're straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. Some realize it later in life. Some don't even want to be defined. They just love freely and whether the person at the receiving end is the opposite sex or the same sex, they just love. Does it really matter?

8. Cat-calling is never okay.

So go Wila! Good on you for calling out those 3 guys that objectified you. Anybody should be able to wear whatever they want and not be harrassed. Sorry Batchi, but you were wrong on this one.

9. To women, having a family AND a career is okay.

You should never be forced to choose one or the other. Just because you get married, it doesn't mean you have to stay at home, not unless you choose to do so. Marriage should not stunt anyone, it should make both people in the marriage grow.

10. Oh and puppies always win!

Yes, they are cute and they always win but please bear in mind that puppies or any pet for that matter come with responsibilities. So don't go around giving away puppies as a gift. And Adopt, Don't Shop!

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