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We are Failing as a Society

I didn’t know Julia Buencamino. The news of her suicide was the 1st time I've heard of her. When Michee read to me what Julia had (allegedly) written, I cried. I feel that as a society we failed her.

Julia Buencamino

Julia Buencamino Alleged Suicide Note

Julia Buencamino Alleged Suicide Note

She was 15 years old. Just a kid. And she chose death.

Why exactly she chose death, she only knows. She said in her alleged suicide note that she’d bury her reasons with her because she’s afraid of being judged for them.

Is this the impact of our judgmental ways? After hearing what she wrote (the alleged suicide note) I think she seemed to be deeply bothered of being judged for being different.

This hit me really deep. I cried. And I got angry. How many young lives will be lost because of how our society treats those who are different from the majority? How many more people will we fail until we start embracing our differences and decide that they don’t really matter? How many are we willing to subject to suffering and pain for a good laugh?

We are failing as a society and unless we start seeing the humanity in everyone, no matter our differences, we will continue down on a spiral, we will continue to alienate people.

We have to change. We are all responsible for the kind of society we are living in. Let's be kind to one another. Let's start with that.

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