To the Butch Lesbians and To Transgender Men I am Sorry. I Was an Idiot and an Ass
Yes. I was an idiot and an ass. For judging the way you look, dress and act.
I thought I wasn't a part of the problem. But I was.
I have always been a strong supporter of the LGBT community. I have often expressed my admiration for their courage - for being who they are despite of what our society thinks of them and how badly they are treated.
I personally think, that that's the bravest one can get.
But here's where I become problematic.
When it comes to butch lesbians and transgender men, I am only comfortable with and accepting of a few.

My biases come pouring out. The conversation in my mind goes usually like this - "I'm okay with who you are but please dress this way, walk this way, talk this way." That's me up in my high horse and being a hypocrite. (Oh what an idiot)
When Charice Pempengco came out as a butch lesbian, she became a laughing stock for me and my friends. I didn't see any problem with it back then. And besides it was a private joke shared by friends. It was all for a good laugh, it was nothing but a harmless joke. But of course now I realized that those supposedly harmless jokes actually reinforced my biases. And so my discomfort and dislike for many butch lesbians and trans men grew. I found many I bumped into or chanced seeing, annoying or an eye sore, without them even doing anything. Heck, I even found Ellen DeGeneres annoying just because.
But one day, it finally dawned on me.That I was the problem and not them. What the hell is wrong with me being all high up and mighty waving my judgmental wand. I actually scolded myself. As soon as I did this, I started seeing the butch lesbians and trans men as people who hurt, bleed, love and dream just like the rest of us. They are just being who they are and there I was making things more difficult for them.
It was this realization that fueled me and my partner to keep on spreading the message of love and acceptance through Love is Love.
Again, I am truly sorry.