Love is for Everyone
For a long time, she waited for love You see love was hard to come by for someone like her - different from the norm. She sort of had...

Knock Out Hate: On Manny Pacquiao
It felt like a punch to the gut. When you called us the lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders and queers worse than animals. I used to...

Stories That Matter: When Discrimination Becomes Excruciating and Terrifying
First, there’s the lingering stare. The first few times, you just walked on by, not minding the eyes that follow your trail. On the day...

5 Charming Valentine Ideas
There's no escaping romance this February 14. Even though Valentine's Day is still 9 days away, there seems to be a jolt of romance in...

A Simple Idea That Forever Changed Our Lives
It was an ordinary night while shopping for a wedding gift that an idea struck us. It would be a simple idea that would forever change...

Stories That Matter: An Inspiring Man of Faith and Love
It was on a drizzly afternoon that Michee and I met RJ. He's a kind looking fellow with a warm smile to match. From the moment we said...

Looking Back Through This Life-Changing Year
I’m not sure how we got to December really quick, yet here we are a day away from saying hello to another year. Perhaps you’re excitedly...

That Line About Fear from Yoda of Star Wars
Before anything else, let me assure you, there are NO SPOILERS in this post. Because for one, I’m not about to ruin something for people...

The Small Act My Mom Did That Made A Huge Difference
My coming out to my mom wasn’t that smooth at the beginning. Not only did I tell her I am gay, I also told her at the same time that I...

Be the First One to Say These Words to Your LGBTQ Child
If there's one thing that we all want, I'd say it's acceptance. Sadly, for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders and queers, acceptance...