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Thank You Ireland for Saying YES to LOVE and EQUALITY

I was getting ready for bed when my girlfriend Michee broke the news to me that Ireland said YES to LOVE. We have been following, posting, and tweeting about Ireland's marriage referendum for days and we were so excited to hear about the results. A resounding YES! YES to LOVE and YES to EQUALITY

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We couldn't help but shed some tears... tears of joy of course. We tweeted our huge thanks to Ireland for saying Yes to LOVE and EQUALITY.

Ireland just solidified what we have always known - that love conquers all.

The traditionally Catholic nation showed the world that our differences in religious views can be set aside in the name of love and equality.

No ocean, river, or mountain could keep Irish citizens living around the world from getting home to get their YES to LOVE and EQUALITY votes in. They hopped on planes and boats just to get home.

To see a nation coming together, rallying for the rights denied to a small portion of the population for many many years is very touching and overwhelming. It reveals just how compassionate, loving, kind, generous, and accepting the human heart is.

The Irish people showed us what they believe and stand for - Love and Equality. And they have shown the world that love can win. All we need to do is take action.

Stand Up, Speak Out, and Show Up for LOVE and EQUALITY.

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