I Am Pro-LGBT But...
But? But what? I have seen and heard these statements before. They range from "I am Pro-LGBT but I am against Marriage Equality" or "I have nothing against the LGBT but why do they have to ruin the sanctity of marriage?" The thing is technically, you are not Pro-LGBT if you have thoughts like these or similar to these.

On the Sanctity of Marriage
How can we ruin the sanctity of marriage when we are NOT asking your church to marry us? We are asking the governement to do that and the government has nothing to do with your religion and vice-versa. Let's make this clear, the sanctity of marriage proclaimed in your religion whatever it is, cannot be ruined by anybody who doesn't get married in your church. And we're not trying to get married in your church. So, technically the only people who can "ruin" the sanctity of marriage are those people who got married in your church.
Against Marriage Equality
The line says it all. Ask yourself this, how can you be against equality? It seems absurd right? Just dwell on that thought - "I am against equality". Think about that for a moment. I often wonder if those against Marriage Equality fully understand what it is that the LGBT community is really asking for.
What Marriage Equality Really Is
For the LGBT community, we are fighting for our inherent right as human beings to marry the person that we love. But what do those words really mean? Let me put it this way, we clamour for the right
to see our loved one while he or she is in the ICU (which only allows spouses and family)
to be right beside them as they fight for dear life
to make sure that if something happens to us, they will be the first person to know, the first person to be contacted
to buy a house together and start our life together
to make sure that if we do die, our hard work will go to them to help them out in living the rest of their lives
to start a family
to live our lives to the fullest
Do you see how everything under Marriage Equality has nothing to do with your religion? So when you tell us that you are Pro-LGBT but against our rights to live, then you are not Pro-LGBT. It just means that you have no issues about us existing as long as we have no rights to exercise. It's like saying, "I'm okay with plants just as long as they don't let their leaves grow and fall."
You are okay with us being here as long as we don't exist.