The First 5 Years
Hey! Sorry we've been away for the last few weeks, we celebrated our anniversary, then prepped for the UP Pride, but that's another story..
5 years ago, I was a cynic when it came to love. But look at me now. In love with the same woman for 5 years. It sounds cliché but it's true. Somehow love found me.
There comes a time in your life when the world shouts at you to take a leap and I did just that.
5 years. That's half a decade. But time really seem to fly when you're having a great time. Obviously, I would be lying if I tell you that in our 5 years of being together, it was all fun. Michee and I had fights, misunderstandings, shortcomings and what-nots just like any normal couple do.

Opposites Clash
Michee and I came from different backgrounds. We were so opposite (we still are). Our personalities clashed, especially in the beginning of our relationship. She's structured and I'm the laid back type. I was slobby (I still am most of the time) and she picks up the clutter. I'm more of "here's the solution" and she's more of the "I don't want you to give me a solution, I just want you to listen while I vent out" type. She can't handle big groups and she says, I'm a social butterfly. She loves shopping, I hate going to malls unless I really need to buy something. I was and sometimes still ruthless with my words while sugarcoating was her hobby. She can be overly sensitive while I on the other hand is at the very end of the opposite side. She loves the city. I love the quiet and simplicity of a small town by the sea.
Working Things Out
It took a lot of work. Of talking things out. Of trying to understand where the other is coming from. And I think we both figured out that love is not about who's right or wrong in an argument, or who makes more sense, or who's being overly sensitive or insensitive. It's more about acknowledging each other's feelings and calmly explaining why each felt such and such.
We came up with this rule that if one is angry or feeling hurt because of the other, that we get an hour of basking in that feeling and when the hour is up then we start talking. We also made a rule to never end the day without resolving whatever rift or fight we have.
Our First 5 Years
Our first 5 years together came with sunny days, blue skies, stormy days and grey clouds. There were days when the hours were quiet, still, and dragging and there were times when we danced around like lunatics in our home. We've met new friends, reconnected with old ones and lost touch with some. We've grown up. And we have learned a lot of things about ourselves and each other. We've developed new habits and kicked some old ones. We both are constantly changing but at the same time we remain connected to who we were.
Michee knows that I fall short in being romantic. But I try to be. I'm trying to write this with as much romance possible, but it seems I am failing. What I really am trying to say is that I've had my 5 years of bliss and happiness with Michee. I feel loved. And I love her deeply. And I could only hope that I make her feel the way she makes me feel.
Cheers to our first 5 years babe and here's to our forever and a day of being together.