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Be the First One to Say These Words to Your LGBTQ Child

If there's one thing that we all want, I'd say it's acceptance. Sadly, for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders and queers, acceptance is far from our grasp. And what's even more heartbreaking is the fact that most LGBTQs experience rejection and hostility first hand in their own home - a place that's supposed to be a safe haven.


A Proud Mom of an LGBTQ Teen

When we sponsored Queerspotting last October 24th, Michee and I witnessed something wonderful. There was this teenager, a transman. We arrived in the event early so we saw him practicing with his dance crew. We learned later on that they were going to do a dance number.

Minutes before the event started, we saw the young transman accompanied by his mother. He went around and introduced his mom to his friends and people in the event. He was so happy and his mom was wearing a big smile. The mom stayed on to watch his son dance with his crew and I caught a sight of her happily and proudly cheering with the crowd.

I wish all moms, all parents of LGBTQs were just as accepting and supportive.

Regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity - as children, we long to be accepted and loved by our parents. Even when we're already grown up and leading a life of our own, we still somehow seek for their approval.

Unconditional Love for LGBTQ Children is a Rare Occurrence

It has been said that parents love their children unconditionally. But unfortunately, unconditional love for LGBTQ children is a rare occurrence. I am among the few lucky ones. My late grandmother was very accepting of who I am and she welcomed Michee as part of the family.

Speaking of Moms...

To be honest, I don't have a strong bond with my mother like I had with my grandmother. We don't have that heart to heart serious talks like I had with my grandmother. My mom is not very vocal with her emotions. But to be fair to my mother, she tries in her own way to show me that she accepts me for who I am and my relationship with Michee.

Just yesterday, Michee and I had lunch with my mom and my aunt. We had a good time chatting and shopping. My mom even made "puto" (muffins? I'm not sure what puto is in the English language) for Michee since she knows that Michee really loves puto. And I'd like to think that she made it a banana bread puto because Michee also loves the banana bread she made the last time we visited the family.

I Love You No Matter What

I am not a parent, but I think parents should always love their child and every child needs to know that they are loved no matter what. With the current norms, this can be a very difficult issue to handle for parents of LGBTQs. With all the discrimination and negative messages the LGBTQs field everyday, it helps to know or hear someone dear to you say “I love you no matter what”. If you’re a parent of an LGBTQ, I hope you’d be the first one to say these words to your LGBTQ child.

Image Credit: Dignity USA

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