Why Do We Focus So Much on Our Differences?
I have often wondered why we seem to keep on focusing our energy on our differences. Is it really that important? What do we achieve when...

Love Can Never Be an Enemy
My heart is yours. And mine yours, you replied. From that day on we walked around town Hand in hand each morning and night. Basking in...

If It Was That Easy Then It Should Have Been Done Already
"Oh! That's going to be difficult." "It's going to take years, even decades perhaps." "It's not going to happen in your lifetime." These...

On Dolce and Gabbana
You do have the right to your opinion. But what you must understand is that people are also free to express their agreement and...

The World Needs You To Step Up and Make a Difference
Some people want to make the world a better place.Some are happy with the way things are. Which one are you? If you want to make the...

After the #PaintTheirHandsBack Controversy What Are You Going to Do Now?
With the buzzing controversy surrounding Bench and the #PaintTheirHandsBack hashtag, what are you going to do now? Whether Bench...