6 Things You Can Do Now To Help The LGBTQI
Alla's recent conversation with a friend sparked this question - What can we do to help the LGBTQI struggle? And I figured many people...

The EVIL "Gay Lifestyle"
What's a "gay lifestyle" like? I have been pondering on what the term "gay lifestyle" means since many people are not happy with the way...
Our Current Anthem - Brave
Over the past few weeks, we've been playing this song non-stop. It's such a beautiful song that keeps us inspired to continue this...

AND NO ONE DESERVES IT. No LGBTQ, no woman, no man deserves to be raped. We saw this tweet while browsing at the other tweets of the...

Thank You Ireland for Saying YES to LOVE and EQUALITY
I was getting ready for bed when my girlfriend Michee broke the news to me that Ireland said YES to LOVE. We have been following,...

To the Butch Lesbians and To Transgender Men I am Sorry. I Was an Idiot and an Ass
Yes. I was an idiot and an ass. For judging the way you look, dress and act. I thought I wasn't a part of the problem. But I was. I have...

10 Things The Rich Man's Daughter Taught Us
SO FAR and it's only been 5 episodes or a week. For those who are not in the Philippines (or in the Philippines but is not aware of this...

Love Can Never Be an Enemy
My heart is yours. And mine yours, you replied. From that day on we walked around town Hand in hand each morning and night. Basking in...

It's Either We're Treated Special or 2nd Rate...But We're Neither
We're not special. We're really not. We're not 2nd rate nor are we an inconvenience to be tolerated. We're just like you... Human beings...

My Grandmother's Reaction to Me Being in a Same Sex Relationship was Just 5 Simple Words
My grandmother was around 84 years old when I told her that I was in a loving same-sex relationship. I told her via a letter. I was a bit...