Anna Kendrick Has Our Back LGBTQ Peeps!
She’s packed with wit and she’s got our back, LGBTQ peeps! With over 4 million followers on Twitter and probably millions of followers on...
Sadly We Want to Be Right Rather Than Be Compassionate
I know for a fact that acceptance for who we are (lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, and queers) is still a long road ahead. Yes,...

We Need Your Love
Not to sound clingy here but we really do. No, were not telling you to send us chocolates or stuff. So what am I saying here? We just...

I've Decided That Hating Those Who Hate Us Is Not Okay
“You are a sin.” “You are an abomination.” “God hates you.” “I hate you.” “I hope you die.” “You’re going to burn in hell.” “You’re...

The EVIL "Gay Lifestyle"
What's a "gay lifestyle" like? I have been pondering on what the term "gay lifestyle" means since many people are not happy with the way...

Why Do We Focus So Much on Our Differences?
I have often wondered why we seem to keep on focusing our energy on our differences. Is it really that important? What do we achieve when...

To the Butch Lesbians and To Transgender Men I am Sorry. I Was an Idiot and an Ass
Yes. I was an idiot and an ass. For judging the way you look, dress and act. I thought I wasn't a part of the problem. But I was. I have...

You Can't Stop Love
Since we started this website, this advocacy, part of my daily routine has been to scour the internet for LGBT news, Marriage Equality...

Love Can Never Be an Enemy
My heart is yours. And mine yours, you replied. From that day on we walked around town Hand in hand each morning and night. Basking in...

If It Was That Easy Then It Should Have Been Done Already
"Oh! That's going to be difficult." "It's going to take years, even decades perhaps." "It's not going to happen in your lifetime." These...